Friday, April 30, 2010

I'm taking over

I am going to use my many years of Army Service (almost seven) and my vast understanding of War (I once killed a man in a Bar Fight for making fun of my haircut) to win the war in Afghanistan.

By the way, whoever posted this to my facebook profile: 

Michael Yon People have accused me of OPSEC violations and of breaking embed rules. Where is the General Officer who will make these accusations with specifics and put his or her name to it? Give specifics in writing. When have I endangered our troops or broken the rules? I have not broken security or embed rules or endangered... our troops. Much the opposite if the whole story were told. But it never will be."

Whoever you are, you must've forgotten this acount I gave to the LA vTimes about how I violated the rules of not only my embed, but also the rules and laws of warfare, by violating my status as a noncombatant:

"Yon had already screamed at the unmoving soldiers to attack. Now he called to them for a grenade, which they did not have. So he picked up Prosser's empty M-4 rifle, loaded in a 30-round magazine, and fired three shots into the shop.

Yon learned later that Prosser was choking the attacker into unconsciousness.

One of Yon's shots punctured a barbecue-sized propane canister, which went flying wildly. The confusion actually gave the insurgent a moment to fight back before he was finally subdued.

"When we got back to the [base], I said, 'Have you lost your mind?' " Prosser recalled. "And he said, 'I was only trying to help.' I understood. But from a military perspective, I just cannot have him picking up a weapon."
Oh yeah, in the same article, I mentioned this:

"When the blogger left Iraq for a break and then tried to return in September, the Army said no. Lt. Col. Steven Boylan wrote to Yon, telling him he had violated his embed agreement, which requires withholding photos of dead and injured soldiers until their family members had been notified." 

You people don't get it. I, and I alone know how to run a war. Generals MUST spend their days arguing and explaining things to their detractors, however inexperienced they are with the military arts and sciences. They needn't worry about gathering information, because there are embeds, and disembeds, who will do that for them. All they need to do is read facebook to get the answer for how things are going in a particular village in Afghanistan, and then make the choices that the journalist recommends. 


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